
Far Along- The Details

Far Along Workshop

Cathy and I spent last week working with Pat Augsburger's fiber arts students at James Madison University on an installation called Far Along, Part I at the Smith House Gallery.  

Thanks to the students for all of their hard work and dedication to this project.
Participating student artists: Blakely Cohen, Tiara Lovelace, Evan Norris, Ciara Reid, Eliza Tuttle, Amanda Wesely, Shea Goitia and Morgan McDonald.


Far Along, Part I: ap-art-ment collaborates with students in James Madison University's Fibers Art Department

ap-art-ment has spent the last week working with JMU's Fiber Arts students to create vessels that have been piled into a large-scale cairn in the gallery of the Smith House in Harrisonburg, VA.  This project, titled Far Along, Part 1, is a part of a larger ongoing project about journeys and markers.